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Webhook troubleshooting

Learn how to replay failed events, resolve common issues, check webhook logs, and review our retry policy

Retry policy

With our webhook service, we attempt to deliver an event multiple times over a 28-hour period in case of a delivery failure. Our attempts are based on the following schedule, where each period starts once the preceding attempt fails:

  • Immediately
  • 5 seconds
  • 5 minutes
  • 30 minutes
  • 2 hours
  • 5 hours
  • 10 hours
  • Additional 10 hours

If you remove or disable your webhook consumer endpoint, this will remove or disable delivery attempts as well.

Retry schedule example

An event that fails three times and then succeeds will be delivered roughly 35 minutes and 5 seconds after the initial attempt.

Recover failed messages

If you want to resend or recover one or more messages in case of your app's downtime or incorrect configuration, you can do so in the Codat Portal.

Navigate to Monitor > Webhooks > Events > Endpoints to view your consumer endpoints and retry the messages manually or automatically.

You can also select Monitor > Webhooks > Events > Logs to view and filter messages in an event-agnostic list.

Single message

If you want to replay a single event (i.e. resend a single message), click on the consumer endpoint on the Webhook events page and scroll to view its message attempts.

Next, click the triple-dot menu next to the message and click Resend. This will send the same message to your endpoint again.

A fragment of the UI that displays a Resend button next to a failed attempt

Multiple messages

If you want to automatically recover all failed messages or resend missing messages for a certain date range, click on the consumer endpoint on the Webhook events page.

Then, click the triple-dot menu on the right and choose one of the applicable options. In the pop-up window, select the time period you want to recover messages for.

A fragment of the UI that displays multiple message recovery options

For more granular date control, you can scroll to the endpoint's message attempts, click on the triple-dot options menu of a specific message, and choose Replay > Replay all failed messages since this time.

Missing messages

A message could be missing if the endpoint was disabled, did not exist and was created after the send date, or was listening to other event types and is now listening to an additional one.

Endpoint failures

Your webhook consumer endpoint could fail due to a variety of reasons. Let's have a look at resolving the most common ones.

Disabled endpoint

If all delivery attempts to the endpoint fail for a period of 5 days, this endpoint will be disabled. To re-enable it, navigate to Monitor > Webhooks > Events > Endpoints, click to see the detailed view of the endpoint, then choose Enable endpoint in the triple-dot options menu.

A fragment of the UI that displays the Enable endpoint option in the endpoint details view

Converted payload body

When generating the signed content of the message, we use the raw string body of its payload. If you convert JSON payloads into strings, the method you choose may produce different string representation of these payloads.

This can create discrepancies when verifying the webhook signature. To resolve, make sure to verify the payload exactly as it was sent.

For more information, see Webhook signature verification.

Missing secret key

A message can fail if the wrong secret key is used. Keys are unique to endpoints, so make sure you are using the correct one.

Wrong response codes

When your webhook endpoint responds with a 2xx status code, we consider this to be a successful message delivery even if the response payload indicates a failure. Ensure you're using the right response status codes so that we can interpret successes and failures correctly.

Response timeout

When your webhook endpoint fails to respond to the message within 15 seconds, we consider this to be a failed message.

We recommend you set up the endpoint to simply receive the message and respond to it, and add it to a queue for asynchronous processing. This will help avoid timeouts.

IP allowlist

If your webhook consumer endpoint is behind a firewall or NAT, the message can fail if the traffic from our IP addresses is blocked.

Codat's webhook messages are served from static IP addresses. Apply an allowlisting rule to grant network access to messages from this address:

Logs and activity

If you need to track down a particular message that was sent to one of your endpoints, you can check the endpoint's detailed view page that has a filtered list of all messages sent to it. You can filter the list by event type and date.

Alternatively, you can navigate to Monitor > Webhooks > Events > Logs to view the full list of messages sent to all endpoints and each message's payload directly in the Portal.

Finally, you can view webhook activity in the graph form by going to Monitor > Webhooks > Events > Activity. The graph shows the last six hours of attempts to send you events.

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