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Build your own mapping interface

For a more integrated user experience, build your own interface using our API's account mapping endpoints

You can enable your users to map their accounts directly within your own application by using the account mapping endpoints of our API. These are the same endpoints that our pre-built interface uses. When building, make sure to check all partner requirements to maintain compliance of your app.

List account options

In preparation, set up your redirect parameters to refer to the mapping page of your application. Then, direct your customer to the linkUrl returned in the Create a connection response. After they authorize your access to their accounting software, they'll be guided to your application.

Use the List bank feed account mappings endpoint to retrieve a list of valid target accounts available to map the company's source account and display these to your user.

These options are filtered based on the currency and the type of the source account. For example, if the source account is a credit card in a USD currency, the endpoint will only return USD credit accounts as options.

const mappingResponse = bankFeedsClient.accountMapping.get({

Example Xero Response

"sourceAccountId": "39aaec5d-f3c1-4d15-a8d8-73c27d7fdef8",
"sourceAccountNumber": "4243",
"sourceAccountName": "source-account-1",
"sourceBalance": 100,
"sourceCurrency": "GBP",
"targetAccountId": "a0aa9c9c-8a76-44a8-9991-7ae8103a40d7",
"targetAccountName": "SavingsBankPro",
"status": "connected",
"targetAccountOptions": [
"name": "SavingsBankPro",
"id": "a0aa9c9c-8a76-44a8-9991-7ae8103a40d7",
"accountNumber": "4243"
"name": "WaveCrestFinance",
"id": "57ab0173-3381-4be8-afd5-dfa48b3b0bb6",
"accountNumber": "77"
"feedStartDate": "2023-09-12T00:00:00",

Save account mapping

Once your user indicates the desired source and target account pair within your application, use our Create bank feed account mapping endpoint to save the mapping.

Mapping multiple accounts

You can only save the mapping for one account at a time. If your user needs to map multiple accounts, save the mappings in separate requests to our API.

Map to a new account

If your user wants to use a new target account to reconcile bank transactions, you can achieve this by omitting the targetAccountId parameter while saving the mapping.


POST /companies/{companyId}/connections/{connectionId}/bankFeedAccounts/mapping

"sourceAccountId": "source-account-id",
"feedStartDate": "2023-01-01T00:00:21.470Z"


"sourceAccountId": "e58c281d-e8fd-48eb-a07f-ea7eef9b96f3",
"targetAccountId": null,
"status": "connecting"

Map to an existing account

If your user chooses an existing target account to reconcile bank transactions, populate the targetAccountId parameter while saving the mapping.


POST /companies/{companyId}/connections/{connectionId}/bankFeedAccounts/mapping

"sourceAccountId": "source-account-id",
"targetAccountId": "2efba41e-1edf-49dc-8e14-b5eaed792f07",
"feedStartDate": "2023-01-01T00:00:21.470Z"


"sourceAccountId": "e58c281d-e8fd-48eb-a07f-ea7eef9b96f3",
"targetAccountId": "2efba41e-1edf-49dc-8e14-b5eaed792f07",
"status": "connecting"

Check mapping status

Sometimes the mapping isn't immediately saved to the underlying accounting platform and its status in the request remains pending.

Poll the List bank feed account mappings endpoint until the status changes to connected. You can then proceed to create bank transactions in the target account.

const status = ""
while(status !== "connected"){
const mappingResponse = bankFeedsClient.accountMapping.get({

if(mappingResponse.statusCode == 200){
status = mappingResponse.bankFeedMapping.status

Supported integrations

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